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Service Yezu Mwiza Mobile Clinic in Kabezi

Posted on 26/08/2019 - Category: Clinique Mobile ...

As part of the follow-up of its beneficiaries through the innovative strategy of the mobile clinic, a SYM team carried out a field visit in Kabezi on 21 August 2019 to provide medical and psychosocial care for PLWHA.

Despite the difficult working conditions due to the lack of an appropriate room, the team gathered the beneficiaries in a small barza.
The objective of the said descent was to increase compliance with treatment, therapeutic education, and viral load collection for patients in need. This examination is done at a rate of one year for patients whose previous 2 viral loads are undetectable and three months if the recent viral load is detectable and the patient has received a compliance enhancement session.

It was also an opportunity to insist on the involvement of parents not only in the regular use of children's medicines but also in announcing the serological status of children... The child must know his HIV serological status before reaching adolescence.
file verification and distribution of ARVs
While the health mediator was providing therapeutic education, nurses were checking records and distributing ARVs.
The medical and psychosocial care of PLWHAs provides moral and mental comfort to these people while improving their living conditions.

"The fact that the SYM mobile clinic is coming to us is a good sign that we have support. In therapeutic education we are encouraged to live positively with HIV. Currently, my life and that of my family have changed and I cannot go away on a visit from this team because it is far because I earn a lot". said one of the beneficiaries.