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Anti tuberculosis service for a world free of TB

Posted on 29/07/2019 - Category: Tuberculose ...

TB is an infectious disease due to a contagious (Bacillus of Koch) Mycobacterium, which is transmitted by air from a sick person to a healthy individual. In speaking, singing, sneezing or coughing, the patient projects into air fine droplets of infected saliva.

The risk of transmission is related to the density of bacilli in the air but also inspired to the frequency, duration and intensity of contact with an infectious individual [Sudre, 1993].
Tuberculosis is therefore a technically controllable disease. At Service Yezu Mwiza (SYM), there are two effective methods of diagnosis: the review of microscopy which is to analyze the sample of sputum under a microscope in the search of Koch bacilli responsible of tuberculosis and the GeneXpert machine builds on molecular biology technology, we look for Koch's bacillus DNA in sputum.

With the GeneXpert available at the SYM, the review is very fast and can analyze 4 samples at the same time and the result can be available at most in 2 hours. The other advantage of GeneXpert, it manages to detect resistance to rifampicin (one of the major drugs in the treatment of tuberculosis).
patient who came to the appointment to take his dose
According to the head of the anti-tuberculosis service "The patients of our service take doses regularly, which is a good thing for the effectiveness of the treatment".

Note that the year 2018, service anti tuberculosis of the SYM has welcomed and treated 45 cases of clinics patients TB – HIV.
From January 1 to June 30, 2019, 13 tuberculosis cases have been diagnosed and are all under treatment which includes an intensive phase for the first 2 months and a continuation phase which lasts 4 months, making overall 6 months of treatment.