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Community leader’s awareness workshop on nyakabiga area hvac module

Posted on 02/05/2019 - Category: Actualité du SYM ...

As part of the implementation of the Joint Program supported by CARE International, the SERVICE YEZU MWIZA organized from April 16 to 18, 2019, an awareness workshop for community leaders of the Nyakabiga area, on the module. HVAC "COMPETENCE OF CURRENT LIFE".

Life skills programs are programs that attempt to empower people to make decisions and act in a positive way that will bring benefits to themselves and their families. They are also promising as a strategy to prevent violence against women and girls, as life skills can address individual and interpersonal problems that promote violence.

Their main goal is to promote psychological and physical well-being. A popular example of intervention in this area is the establishment of programs that seek to empower young people to make healthy and responsible choices in reproductive health, particularly with respect to the risks of contracting HIV / AIDS. AIDS.

Why are life skills important for a teenager?

It is about developing the personal and interpersonal skills a teenager needs to cope with the interactions he may have with those around him and others in his future life and to better manage his current and future lives . these life skills workshops typically involve topics related to self-control and leadership.
By reaching out to young boys and girls through life skills programs, both in and out of the school system, they are given the opportunity to develop leadership skills and skills. vocational training, and incorporates elements related to the empowerment of girls and young women.
These programs contribute to changing social norms and social change for the next generation of children.

It should also be noted that education is not only about ensuring that all children can go to school, but also about preparing young people for life, giving them the opportunity to find a decent job, to make a living and contribute to that of the community and society to which they belong.

The participants present at this sensitization workshop testify that it was time for such workshops to awaken their consciences:

"My name is HARERIMANA MELANCE, District Manager NYAKABIGA III. This workshop was very useful to me because I just realized, that before the training, I did not behave like a real Leader to make useful decisions for the population, I could not even speak in public.
This workshop has opened my eyes, now, I just acquired information that I will put to the benefit of the people I lead, but also I will be in the first to educate young adolescents to behave better in matters of sexuality in order to prepare a better future. "