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Global school approach, a new method hailed by key actors

Posted on 12/10/2020 - Category: Projet Programme conjoint ...

In order to promote a healthy, safe and conducive learning environment in SSRAJ, Service Yezu Mwiza (SYM) in collaboration with care International Burundi organised a training workshop on Global School Approach (GSA) for key actors of Gitaramuka municipal secondary school located in kanyosha zone of Muha commune in Bujumbura municipality.

The Global School Approach helps to implement and improve comprehensive sexuality education in schools, build ownership by all involved and increase student coverage by comprehensive sexuality education.It is a new tailor-made approach where a school is driving and has full control over the implementation of comprehensive sexuality education.

The key actors in global school approach are all those essential in the operation and development of a school, including representatives of the administration,religious leaders ; director of the school,teachers supervising health clubs, representative of PDE, DCE, school management committee, care providers, students,parents' representatives and local organisations working in the locality where the school is located./p>

Minicipal high school GITARAMUKA is a school located in Kajiji locality in kanyosha zone of Muha Commune, a school without a fence built by surrounding population with very limited resources. It is part of the network of 4 schools grouped around RUZIBA health center.

«Despite the Menyumenyeshe project.s progress in SRH education for youth and adolescents aged 10 to 24, challenges persist,particularly those relating to the sustainability of the project. For i.e. only students who are in health clubs have been trained in SRH and those students are really few compared to the total enrolment to the school. For that reason, with this new approach, that we want to involve the internal and external key actors so that they feel concerned by sexual and reproductive health of these young people and the resources at their disposal as a starting point to create a school environment that is conducive, healthy,safe and nonviolent for students .» Said Marie Lasia Karire, provincial coach in Bujumbura municipality met in full activity at Gitaramuka Minicipal secondary school.

« With this new approach of Menyumenyeshe program, we will get involved and make this project our own. This is a great opportunity to talk to children about sexual and reproductive health that was previously then considered taboo in our culture and not shared with them.We have learned the best techniques to address these topics with the students. Since the implementation of joint program activities in our school,we have observed a decrease in cases of school dropouts due to unwanted pregnancies. We very much welcome the actions of SYM and CARE International Burundi for this new approach which involves all those who have a role in the functioning of our school because education of students in SRH, concerns all of us. I take this opportunity to express our gratitude to SYM and Care Burundi who provided us with SRH teaching material and sound equipment awareness raising, and also the kits to fight against the spread of Covid-19.» Testifies Ezéchiel Biuzindavyi, director of Gitaramuka municipal secondary school.

Note that as part of the implementation of Menyumenyeshe project,the same training workshops were organised in other schools of SYM intervention areas, particularly in Bujumbura, Muyinga and Kirundo provinces.