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SYM Laboratory in the diagnosis and biological monitoring of its beneficiaries

Posted on 10/04/2020 - Category: Actualité du SYM ...

Service Yezu Mwiza laboratory started its activities in 2008, at the same time as SYM clinic. The search for the diagnosis sometimes requires complex and sophisticated complementary analyses, but the SYM has laboratory equipment enabling it to carry out a wide range of complementary checkups.

The laboratory is equipped with a microscope used for parasitological and bacteriological examinations, two spectrophotometers for biochemical examinations, a hematology device for blood count (NFS). Adding to the examinations carried out by specialized devices, the lab can, thanks to reagents available, carry out serological tests such as those for hepatitis B and C (HBS antigen, HVC antibody); the marker for body inflammation; toxoplasmosis; a test for streptococcal infection (Aslo); syphilis and pregnancy tests.


In addition, the Yezu Mwiza Service is a tuberculosis screening and treatment center. To succeed in this mission, his laboratory has the GeneXpert machine, a very sensitive device for detecting pulmonary tuberculosis.
As one of the few laboratories in the country that has this machine, the laboratory detects both rifampicin-sensitive and rifampicin-resistant forms of pulmonary tuberculosis. Rifampicin-resistant forms are transferred to the Multi-Resistant Tuberculosis Management Centre in Kibumbu.

Different equipment in SYM laboratory

Indeed, the laboratory not only analyzes the samples for optimal monitoring of SYM beneficiaries but also, the samples are taken at the sites close to their home by the mobile clinic to shorten the journey to SYM office in search of its services.

Other sanitary structures without a Genexpert machine and associations fighting against TB also refer their samples to it for analysis, in particular SOS Nyakabiga, ABCMAV, RAMA, Gatumba health centre, Kiriri health centre, Up and Up HUMURA, Ruyaga health centre, Rukaramu health center, Mutumba health centre, St Michel health centre, Buterere health centre, HPRC and AVLT (Association of volunteers in the fight against TB).

This laboratory is at the same time one of the pretreatment sites of viral load samples in the municipality of Bujumbura alongside SWAA Burundi, Red Cross, Nouvelle Esperance and ABUBEF Jabe. Thanks to Genexpert machine in its possession, SYM is also a reference center for tuberculosis, over 1,410 samples of sputum have been analyzed by this machine since its acquisition at SYM including 185 positive cases that were put under treatment.