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SYM: Psychosocial care during the Mobile clinic

Posted on 20/02/2020 - Category: Clinique Mobile ...

Still in its mission to bring clinical services closer to its beneficiaries, SYM through its mobile clinic strategy went to Mutumba for a monthly meeting on February 12, 2020.

During that journey of the mobile clinic in Mutumba, while the nurses were preparing the patients' files for eventual consultations with the Doctor, the health mediator was giving the therapeutic education session on strengthening ART adherence for patients still with detectable viral load but he also added in this session other important topics namely : chronic diseases, especially diabetes, a disease that for a PLWHA could quickly do more damage, hence the mediator showed the clinical signs of that disease as well as preventive measures with an emphasis on regular monitoring of blood glucose levels.

The health mediator ended his therapeutic education session an emphasizing on the importance of knowing your blood pressure level as abnormally high blood pressure over long periods of time can lead to hardening of the arteries and heart failure.
In addition to this session, the health mediator also made a home visit in Kabezi to a beneficiary on PMTCT: "The woman I visited in Kabezi is on PMTCT and also suffers from malnutrition, I wanted to see her health and find out why she didn’t come to the appointment while she is on ART. When I reached at her home, I found that she was also on treatment against malaria obtained at Kabezi hospital and I gave her her nutritional supplement, after some advice I also gave her the ARVs intended for her" indicated Mukunzi jean Noël, health mediator met after the home visit.

The psychosocial care of people living with HIV is an indispensable factor in improving their health status. The needs of PLWHA are not limited to access to medicines and medical care. They need psychological and social support. This can reduce the perception of the inescapable causal relationship between HIV infection and death and help him or her to live positively with the disease.