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New Year 2020: Exchange of greetings ceremony by SYM Staff

Posted on 14/02/2020 - Category: Cérémonie SYM ...

Service Yezu Mwiza (SYM) Staff vows Ceremonies took place this Friday, February 07, 2020, at the beach on Lake Tanganyika in a restaurant bar called «Second Beach) where a collegial drink was shared in a more relaxed atmosphere.

In his words of circumstance, the Executive Director of SYM, Father Védaste NKESHIMANA SJ, stressed that this exchange of wishes for the year 2020, is also an opportunity to celebrate the achievements or the fruit of the work of the year 2019 and in his speech listed some-one of these achievements: “The staff can be proud that SYM has had a positive impact among its beneficiaries and the community in general. Because, more than 89% of SYM beneficiaries have an undetectable viral load and more than 98% of women beneficiaries of SYM are on PMTCT and give birth to HIV-free children. All this thanks to the combined efforts of all the staff in the overall care. These results earned SYM a certificate of merit and an award of encouragement from the Ministry of Public Health and the fight against HIV / AIDS for its contribution in the fight against HIV. Moreover, during this year, the administrative documents that govern our organization were updated, the restructuring of the organization which has no other aim than the fluidity of the services we offer".
He did not forget to mention the unfortunate events experienced by the organization during the year 2019, where SYM suddenly lost a member of its staff Mrs NTAKARUTIMANA aimée Goreth who was executive assistant, but also mourns 7 of its beneficiaries who have given up.

The Executive Director, Father Védaste NKESHIMANA SJ wishing the staff of SYM all the best for the year 2020 and introducing Father Fidel INGIYIMBERE SJ, new Chairman of SYM Executive Committee Before closing his speech, the Executive Director wished the best wishes to all the staff members present at these ceremonies without forgetting, all those who were on the ground in different localities of the country, and took the opportunity to introduce to the staff Father Fidel INGIYIMBERE SJ, new Chairman of the Executive Committee of SYM who, in turn, congratulated the staff for their dedication and love of working at the service of the vulnerable. The new president of the executive committee wished all the staff all the best but invited them to intensify their efforts to complete the remaining 11% and 2% in order to achieve full control of HIV in our community.

The staff representative, Mr Benoît MINANI, on behalf of all the staff promised to redouble their efforts while wishing the Executive Director and all the staff a year of happiness, love of work in the service of beneficiaries in order to achieve the goals of this New Year.

Staff Representative Speech and Festive Atmosphere at greetings Exchange Ceremonies The ceremonies continued in an atmosphere of joy. Music lovers have enjoyed it, while others were enjoying the beautiful air of Lake Tanganyika.