The mission of laboratory service is to participate in care of patient by carrying out medical biology analyses necessary for the establishment of diagnosis as well as medical and therapeutic follow-up.
At Service Yezu Mwiza, the laboratory plays a very important role in the biological monitoring of patients. Various analyzes are carried out, namely: parasitological, biological, hematological, serological and bacteriological analysis.
With regard to bacteriological analysis, SYM laboratory service has a very fast GeneXpert machine, capable of detecting cases of tuberculosis that are sensitive or resistant to Rifampicin (one of the major drugs of Tuberculosis treatment).
However, diagnosis of HIV-associated TB using smear microscopy is very difficult for PLWHA. What makes the GeneXpert, a first-choice test in the diagnosis of tuberculosis.
Nevertheless, the laboratory service does not only deal with the beneficiaries of SYM. Other health facilities that don’t have a device for the diagnosis of TBC refer their patients to SYM for the realization of GenXpert.
In conclusion, laboratory service plays a crucial role in the care of SYM beneficiaries by contributing to the diagnosis of various diseases and by monitoring PLWHA.
SYM: Distribution of school kits to members of associations of people affected by leprosy
SYM: Sensitization on pre and post-exposure to HIV in Kayanza and Ngozi
SYM: Managing co-morbidities among people living with HIV
SYM: Quarterly meeting of community relays
Distribution of work tools to young volunteers and to the pillars of the SRH community solutions project called