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Christine G., Focal point JP/" DPE Buja Mairie"

Publié le 14/08/2020 ...
Within the framework of joint Program (JP) education project, SERVICE YEZU MWIZA and CARE INTERNATIONAL/BURUNDI, through the new approach “AGE”, are working in various schools of Bujumbura Municipality, especially in Ntahangwa, Muha and Mukaza. Here, we are at the GITARAMUKA High School of the RUZIBA Network. The whole school approach “AGE” is the best way to address issues relating sexual and reproductive health within schools “SRH”. Activities which were organized within health clubs only, are now extended to parents, municipal authorities and pupils who are unaware of that item. They should have a spirit of discernment in their behavior. Each of them will care more about child's life and his behavior. Finally, schools, parents and the administration will have to take charge and ensure the sustainability of the project activities.