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Our vision

A flourishing people enjoying physical, mental, psychological and spiritual well-being at all levels of Burundian society.

Our Mission

The Service Yezu Mwiza, its mission is to promote the integral health of the population through global comprehensive management of HIV/AIDS, TB/VIH co-infection, the fight against malaria, promoting reproductive health for maternity and responsible fatherhood as well as the management of chronic diseases.

Our head office

Service Yezu Mwiza, No. 15, Avenue Bubanza, ROHERO I, in the city of Bujumbura, Province of Bujumbura-Mairie in Burundi


Message from Executive Director

The slogan of Service Yezu Mwiza is "A people who want to live". In order to accomplish its mission, which is to "promote integral health with a preferential option for the most needy", Service Yezu Mwiza puts forward three priority areas, namely prevention to contribute to the reduction of new HIV/STI/TB infections, medical and psychosocial care to accompany patients to adhere to treatment and live positively with the disease, promotion of socio-economic empowerment in communities, by encouraging vulnerable women to initiate income-generating activities in order to improve their standard of living.

Our mission cannot be realized unless the youth are involved. This is why Service Yezu Mwiza, in collaboration with its partners, extends a special care to the youth, especially through the promotion of social entrepreneurship.

This noble mission requires us to work together and have everyone involved. Let us work together towards a happy generation by also putting a special emphasis on the protection of minors and the fight against gender-based violence (GBV).

Together for a more equitable society and a faith that promotes justice.

Father Pascal BIHORUBUSA, SJ

Father Pascal BIHORUBUSA, SJ

Since 2008, we are proud to:


People assisted and supervised through income-generating activities (IGAs))


Out of 212 children born to seropositive mothers, are free of HIV after testing at 18 months of life. That is a rate of 99.5%.


People reached by the education and comprehensive health promotion sessions


Medical visits

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